A Comprehensive Guide to SEO: What is SEO and How Does it Work?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of optimizing a website or content to improve its visibility on search engine result pages (SERP). The goal of SEO is to increase website traffic and visibility, as well as to rank higher for specific search terms or phrases on search engines such as Google and Bing. SEO involves making adjustments to a website's design, content, and structure, as well as conducting keyword research and getting inbound links. The key difference between SEO and paid advertising is that SEO involves “organic ranking”, which means you don't pay to be in that space.

Social media and SEO marketing work well together, so don't neglect the social aspect because it can provide a good boost to your SEO efforts. There are two types of SEO tips: the technical aspects, such as optimizing page titles and meta descriptions, and the basic principles of SEO, such as creating content that is relevant to your target audience. SEO encompasses many aspects of site design and that's why the worst mistake you can make is to wait until your website is finished before contacting an SEO company. If you want to use SEO to drive traffic and revenue to your site, you need to learn how to develop, create and promote SEO content.

Off-page SEO refers to SEO strategies that occur outside of your website, such as creating links to pillar content. What SEO comes down to is the use of all these SEO techniques to maximize the number of qualified visitors. In addition to the elements of on-page SEO that your organization has control over, there are also off-page SEO factors that can affect your rankings. The term SEO is generally used when referring to organic SEO, but it is also sometimes used in a broader sense to encompass PPC services for which different optimization techniques are required.